Cooking for the single guy.

I'm a 38 yr old bachelor and for the last 10 years was a nanny and a cook. These are not things I was trained as, and along the journey I had to learn many things. When I started, making rice was a gamble. Though I'm still not a amazing cook, I have made some amazing dishes. Most recipes and cooking shows expect you to have a general knowledge of how to cook. So I created this Blog to educate the single males out there on the basics of cooking. I will continue to add articles with basic knowledge, recipes, and my own adventures in cooking.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Why the hell would I want to cook?

Why cook? Good question. Sure you could go out to eat all the time. But that cost money, and that adds up. Sure you can order off the dollar menu, but then you are getting sub quality food. If you want good quality food, you gotta pay more.

Here are my reason why every guy should learn how to cook.

1) Money: As noted above, all food cost money. When going out you are also paying someone to cook that food and for someone to give you the food. Save that money, make the food exactly how you want it, in the portions you want. With the money you, you can treat yourself to a really NICE dinner every now and then. OR if you are in college, you can buy more beer.

2) Nutrition: Eating out can be kinda scary. You, as a consumer, have no idea what is being put into the food being prepared. With all the preservative and chemicals in prepared food, you get a nice cocktail dropping into you stomach. Now the government has approved all these additives, but they also approved cigarettes too. When you cook your own food, you have the option on knowing that goes into the dish. it's just a simple fact, real food is going to be better for you than lab created food stuff. You will also be dealing with fresher products, and fresh food makes a huge difference in taste. For the college guys, which is better for the body, smoking pot ot smoking crystal meth? Kind of a no-brainer.

3) Chicks: Nothing says sexy like man that can cook. Sure you can take a girl out to dinner, or you can stun her by cooking something special for her. Sure it's the same recipe you've cooked for dozens of other girls, but I really don't think she'll care. My dad learned how to make a Lasagna when he was dating. And he made lots of Lasagna. I like Chicken Kiev with roasted rosemary potatoes and some string beans. And the most important thing, you don't have to try and coax her back to your apartment afterward.

4) Pride: The feeling that you accomplished something. Taking that first bite, and tasting done right. Oh, it won't always be that way, but the failures make the successes that much sweeter. There's a reason why it is called the Joy of Cooking. Impress you friends, impress your family. I think guys that can cook hold themselves a little straighter, with their heads a little higher. I may not be able to win in a fist fight, but I make a MEAN Mac and Cheese.

So, what ever your reasons are, cook. Having this knowledge and skill set will change you, and most likely into a better person. At the very least it is a survival trait when the apocalypse comes.
"We can't kill him, he knows how to braise a duck."


1 comment:

  1. i agree! except don't try to cook for a girl on the first date, that just seems like you're cheap and possibly creepy. i had some guy do that to me and it made me really nervous. i was not comfortable being all up in his apartment like that right away, and he didn't start cooking it until we got there. i mean, we went out to a bar first and got drinks and then went back to his place and i was just like what? you're too cheap to just get some food at the bar? and of course then he was thinking that he was gonna get some afterwards. NO! but once you've been on a few dates and feel comfortable and know each other well enough, this is an excellent idea, and the chick would probably be very impressed!
